Hidden Gem: BIO 133 - Environmental Science

Aerial view of Pittsburgh featuring the North Shore and Acrisure Stadium, the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, and the Golden Triangle.
Planet Earth and Western Pennsylvania face challenges. Environmental science offers solutions!
Are you looking for a big-picture understanding of the world—and for a peek at your place in Western Pennsylvania in particular? Would you like a deeper understanding of the environmental problems facing this region that impact your future? Do you want to help solve these problems?
In this course, you will learn how human activity is affecting the Earth, and how you can join with others to make the world more sustainable. If we're going to fix these problems, then we need you! It's going to take everyone, from all academic areas of interest and backgrounds, working together, to make this a better place.
Environmental issues touch every part of your existence, from where you live, to what you eat, to how you spend your days. This class will give you specific knowledge that will benefit you and your loved ones now and throughout your life!