About 8-Week FOCUS Pathways
Looking for a more focused and flexible approach to college? FOCUS pathways allow you to complete all your coursework in the same number of semesters as the standard degree path—while taking fewer classes at a time.
Most classes last the full 16 weeks of a standard semester. A full course load means taking four to five classes for the whole semester.
Classes in the FOCUS pathway instead last only 8 weeks. You can take just two or three classes at a time, completing some classes in the first half of the semester and enrolling in new classes for the second half.
Why Choose a FOCUS Pathway?
Research shows that students do better when they can focus in this way. You're more likely to earn better grades and keep going until graduation.
By following an 8-week FOCUS pathway, you can realize these benefits:
- Concentration: Focusing on fewer classes at a time helps you get more engaged and multitask less.
- Momentum: Nothing fuels motivation like completing classes. Celebrate your progress in shorter sessions.
- Connection: With fewer classes at a time, you can develop stronger relationships with your professors and classmates.
- Flexibility: Depending on the classes you want to take, you could start college in August, October, January, March or June. That's great news if you're balancing a job, family and other responsibilities.
FOCUS pathways are currently available for two degree programs.
Entrepreneurship Focus Pathway
This certificate is designed to help students to develop an understanding of how to create and sustain a small business. The certificate focuses on providing the knowledge and understanding of what it means to be an entrepreneur. Students who successfully complete the program will have created a business plan, understand how to find initial funding for that plan, and be prepared to manage and market the small business.
Earn a certificate in Entrepreneurship by following this FOCUS pathway:
First Year Sequence
Semester | Session | Class | Credits |
Fall 2024 |
First 8 weeks (August–October) |
Principles of Marketing (BUS 104) |
3 |
Entrepreneurship (BUS 112) |
3 |
Second 8 weeks (October–December) |
Business Law 1 (BUS 251) |
3 |
Total Credits for Fall 2024 |
9 |
Semester | Session | Class | Credits |
Spring 2025 |
First 8 weeks (January–March) |
Internet Marketing (BUS 143) |
3 |
Small Business Management (BUS 240) |
3 |
Second 8 weeks (March–May) |
Introduction to Accounting (ACC 100) |
3 |
Total Credits for Spring 2025 |
9 |
MMC Front-End Web Development Certificate Focus Pathway
This certificate is for students seeking to develop front-end web development knowledge to add to their skill sets. Students practice using industry-standard software for front-end web design and development.
Semester | Session | Class | Credits |
Fall 2024 |
First 8 weeks (August–October) |
Web Processes and Production (MMC 114) |
3 |
User Interface Design for Web Users (MMC 227) |
3 |
Second 8 weeks (October–December) |
Digital Design for Multimedia (MMC 111) |
3 |
Web Publication Practices (MMC 115) |
3 |
Total Credits for the Fall Semester: |
12 |
Semester | Session | Class | Credits |
Spring 2025 |
First 8 weeks (January–March) |
Content Management Systems (MMC 225) |
3 |
Interactive Front-End Development (MMC 150) |
3 |
Second 8 weeks (March–May) |
Front-End Libraries in Web Development (MMC 155) |
3 |
Self Promotion in a Virtual World (MMC 230) |
2 |
Total Credits for the Spring Semester: |
11 |
View the full MMC Front-End Web Development FOCUS Pathway sequence
Learn more about the MMC Front-End Web Development Certificate Program
Get Started Today
To learn more about enrolling in these FOCUS pathways or other 8-week courses, please contact Academic Advising.
Contact Advising
Boyce Campus
Braddock Hills Center
Homewood-Brushton Center
North Campus