Career Spotlight: Kathryn Lucia

Kathryn Lucia, Early Childhood & Education
Please provide a bio about you. Include your name, what you studied, where you attended school and campus (ex: CCAC-North) and what year you graduated. Tell us anything here you'd like us to know about you!
Kathryn Lucia attended CCAC classes on the South, North, and Allegheny campuses, eventually earning an Associates' degree in Early Childhood Education and Development. Additionally, she earned certificates in Early Childhood Education and Infant Mental Health and also took some American Sign Language classes. Kathryn graduated in 2020, but since it was during the pandemic she didn't have the opportunity to walk across the stage. For Kathryn, educating children is her life's work. She is also very passionate about teaching adults to continue with best practices to better the lives of the children in their care.
How did you choose your major? What motivated you to choose that field/profession?
I have known from a very young age that I wanted to work with children. I started that path in high school by taking child development classes and even going to Western Area Career and Technology Center to obtain my CDA credentials. Through that experience, I obtained my first childcare job at Kingdom Care Learning center. All of those things combined confirmed that my desire to work with children was also a calling and a gift, prompting me to pursue the dream through my studies at CCAC.
What did you enjoy about attending CCAC? Do you have any memorable moment to share?
My favorite part about attending CCAC was meeting some of the best professors and educators in my life. I have been blessed to continue my relationships with Michele Napeirkowski and Stephanie Goloway, whom I now look up to as heroes and mentors. They truly got me through the toughest parts of my education when we had to go entirely virtual due to the pandemic. Their support and guidance are something I will never take for granted. To this day, they help me make career and education related decisions; without them I'd still be unsure of what paths to take. I am forever grateful to CCAC for harboring those relationships and providing a safe learning environment in which students can figure out who they are.
How involved were you at CCAC? For instance, did your studies take you to other countries? Did you have internships or Co-Ops? Clinicals and/or practicums? Were you a part of any clubs, sports, or extracurriculars?
Unfortunately, because I was also working full time, I was unable to participate in many extracurricular activities. I did, however, through my studies, have many practicum hours to fulfill. This gave me the opportunity to network with many of the early learning centers in the greater Pittsburgh area and connect with many great educators who I now consider friends. I enjoyed my time shadowing various teachers through CCAC's education program and was glad to have participated.
Did any of these experiences lead you into realizing your passions for work and career? If so, how?
I have been so inspired by the quality of the teachers that I have had during my time at CCAC that it made me realize that I would like to be just like them. I have discovered a passion for helping adults and older children learn; not just young children in center settings. I want to be someone's Stephanie Goloway. I want students from the next generation to think, "I need help, I should call Kathryn." That is what makes my soul feel good and it took attending CCAC to figure that out.
What (transferable) skills did you gain that you could take into a workplace?
I have learned so many different skills through my program that have helped my be better at my current job. I have been able to take what I've learned at CCAC and make it a full time career that financially supports me. I have gained so much knowledge about my field of work that has proven to be very valuable, as well as life skills like time management, professionalism, interpersonal skills, and more.
What are you doing now? What are you hoping to do next? What are your ultimate professional goals?
I am currently employed at C&M Play studio, one of the biggest childcare centers in the area, and, not to mention, the best in the Pittsburgh area according to Pittsburgh Magazine in 2021-22. I am one of two Education Supervisors, overseeing lesson plans, curriculum, and assessments, as well as helping with general directorial duties throughout the day. I have also helped create a new non-profit called Reshaping the Village. I have worked with my team to create a program that benefits all children but highlights special education students, the goal of which being to put an in house behavioral health team in as many centers as possible, among other things. We just got started so among my short term goals is to really see that take off!
What advice do you have for students who are considering the idea of taking classes at CCAC?
Attending classes at CCAC is by far one of the best things that I have decided to do for myself. Not only is it cost effective, but also offers a rich educational experience. I would highly suggest this as a starting point in anyone's academic career, especially if you are unsure of what path you want to take. Take a few classes, meet a few people, and see where it leads you. I promise the journey is worth the outcome.
Who inspires you and why? Do you have any mentors or people of influence in your life?
I have already mentioned a few of the important people in my life but there will always be more to recognize. My current employer and friend, Abby Hileman, inspires me every day with her ability to be professional, friendly, balanced, and loyal. She has become the epitome of a role model in the business world and sets a standard all business owners should strive to follow. I would also like to highlight my best friends, Jayme Ranalli and Sabrina Mickle. They have stuck by me through it all, as ugly as it may have gotten through the years, without wavering. They have seen their own fair share of hardships and have demonstrated incredible resilience and empathy toward others through it all.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
I have been honored to be selected for this opportunity and thank you immensely for considering me to participate. I feel humbled to be on the other side of my education at CCAC, able to look back on all of my accomplishments and discuss how to help other students to succeed in their own journeys.