Returning CCAC Student

Welcome back! If you were a CCAC student and have not taken classes with us for more than a year, you are considered a returning CCAC student. During your time off at CCAC, if you attended another institution and earned college credits, you are considered a "transfer to CCAC student." Please visit Transfer to CCAC.


Go to the Welcome Registration Center

  • To ensure the information that we have for you is on file, check in with the Registration Welcome Center to initiate or reactivate your academic record. Please have your Photo ID and proof of permanent residence with you when you join the Welcome Center.
  • Once connected, you will join the waiting room and be invited in to work with a Registration staff member as soon as one becomes available.

Join the Welcome Center

Meet with an Advisor

As a new transfer student, you are required to meet with an Advisor to register for classes.

Contact Information
