Hidden Gems: ENG 118 - Women As Writers

Dozens of colorful books are tightly stacked one on top of the other in three piles standing side by side.
The rich variety of women’s writing is yours to sample in this smorgasbord of essays, diaries, autobiographies, short stories, novels, plays and poetry.
The struggles of women writers to get their voices heard and their perspectives recognized will be the guiding principle of this course.
As you explore women writers and their literature, you will learn how cultural, historical and socio-economic forces held them in check in predominantly patriarchal societies. You will also become familiar with the intellectual heritage they have bequeathed to you, and how existential and physical encounters for the right to be seen, heard and respected as women and writers were not received from men - but seized by women of extraordinary courage.
Don't miss this opportunity to develop your critical reading, thinking and writing skills by identifying and explicating the major themes developed by women writers and how they contributed to the women’s movement of the 21st century!