Hidden Gem: CJC 152 - Ethics in Criminal Justice

A small statue of Justice—personified as a woman wearing a blindfold and holding aloft a set of scales—symbolizing fair and equal treatment under the law.
Today, more than ever, we need ethics experts.
If we’re ever going to be the just, inclusive and vibrant society we truly want and deserve to be, we must make ethics a priority.
This course focuses on the study of right and wrong in the context of the police, the courts and corrections. But along the way, you will be laying the foundation for becoming an ethical professional in any field.
One highlight of the course is learning about ethical heroes. These are women and men who displayed compelling courage in the moral choices they made.
Another highlight is the wealth of real-world examples, case studies and practical scenarios that will prepare you to confront—with integrity—the ethical challenges you’re sure to encounter.