Hidden Gems: SOC 213 - Sociology of Health and Illness

Woman consulting with a pharmacist about her prescription.
Have you ever wondered why people get ill? How should they be cared for when they do? Did you know that there are people in other countries whose ideas about health, illness and health care are different from ours?
Not all Americans experience the same level of health care. In this course, you will learn about factors, such as poverty, that play a role in determining who gets ill. You’ll explore how the health care industry operates, the role of alternative therapies, and what it’s like to be a health care professional.
You will also be introduced to some key criteria for evaluating health care systems so that you’ll be in a position to compare. Rounding out your studies will be an opportunity to delve into some ethical dilemmas—rationing resources, for example. In the end, you will leave this course with a global perspective. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself questioning some of the views you grew up with about health and illness.
Does the United States have the best health care system in the world? You be the judge!