Meet the Faculty: Ashleigh M. Fox
![Ashleigh M. Fox](/_resources/images/meet-the-faculty/comp-md-10-02-22-portrait-ashleigh-fox.jpg)
Ashleigh M. Fox
Assistant Professor of English
Year Joined CCAC
Adjunct: 2018
Full Time: 2019
Courses Currently Teaching
Children's Literature
College Seminar
Creative Writing
English Composition 1 & 2
Honors General Literature
World Literature
Most Memorable CCAC Experience
My first in-person graduation ceremony on May 19, 2022. Seeing everyone in their robes and regalia was absolutely magical!
Why I Teach What I Teach
Literature gives us a road map of how to live, what mistakes not to make, how to redeem ourselves through writing and story and connection. What could be more relevant to "real life"?
Something People Might Not Know About Me
I used to work as a matchmaker for a dating service; it taught me many fascinating things about human nature!
Favorite Quote
"There are years that ask questions and years that answer." -Zora Neale Hurston