Meet the Faculty: Mandy Coligan

Mandy Coligan
Associate Professor & Program Director, Health Information Technology
Year Joined CCAC
Courses Currently Teaching
Diagnostic Coding
Healthcare Informatics
Healthcare Data Analytics
Healthcare Information & Data Governance
Health Information Management
Most Memorable CCAC Experience
My most memorable CCAC experience is definitely graduation. I love seeing my students walk. I'm so proud of all of them! Don't tell—next year I want to bring confetti!
Apart from graduation, every class I teach ends up being so much fun and exciting. We're definitely building a community in Health IT, and I appreciate all the wonderful students who make it a great program.
Why I Teach What I Teach
I loved epidemiology when I was a little kid and wanted to become an "eccentric professor" when I grew up. I think I have the eccentric part nailed! I desperately wanted to study diseases, and with Health IT I get to track diseases, just like an epidemiologist. In fact, the CDC and public health professionals often examine data collected from Health IT professionals, including medical coders.
I truly love teaching and being able to empower all the people who come into the program with the knowledge they need to succeed. My goal is absolutely your success, even when you're no longer my student!
Something People Might Not Know About Me
I was homeschooled through high school and am unabashedly nerdy about microbiology (my first love).
Favorite Quote
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." —Winston Churchill