FREE GED Test Prep Available at CCAC Homewood-Brushton Center Beginning June 4

Students and Instructor in class
The Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC), in partnership with Literacy Pittsburgh, will hold the first of several FREE General Educational Development (GED) sessions from June 4 through July 25, 2024. All classes will be held at CCAC Homewood-Brushton Center (701 N Homewood Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15208). The 8-week in-person program will help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to earn their high school equivalency diploma.
Literacy Pittsburgh teachers will instruct students in all test subject areas: math, language arts, social studies and science. A pre-test will be given to all students to determine their readiness for the GED. Test-taking tips and strategies will be part of the instruction as well as the GED practice test. Upon completion of the program, students will be prepared to take either the GED® exam or the HiSET® exam. Both of these tests enable Pennsylvania students to earn the Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma. Participating students who meet eligibility requirements will receive a voucher to waive the cost of the final examination.
Registration is required. To enroll, call 412.371.1600 or email