About the WEDnetPA Training Program

The Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA) is an alliance of educational providers across Pennsylvania that acts as a delivery mechanism for workforce training grants. WEDnetPA’s goal is to help companies acquire the training their employees need most.

Each provider, known as a WEDnetPA partner, serves as the point of contact for businesses accessing these training funds. As a WEDnetPA partner, CCAC can help your business develop and fund a training plan to meet your needs.

Training funds may be available at up to $2,000 per eligible employee, not to exceed $100,000 per company per eligible fiscal year.

Eligible training topics include, but are not limited to, subjects within these fields:

  • Business operations
  • Computer operations
  • Machine operations and maintenance
  • Manufacturing fundamentals
  • Manufacturing technology
  • Product process and control
  • Software implementation
  • Health and science applications
  • Workplace behavior skills
  • Workplace health and safety


Why Wednetpa?

Since it was founded in 1999, WEDnetPA has funded worker training for more than 20,000 companies across Pennsylvania, growing to become one of the commonwealth’s primary delivery systems for developing our workforce.

About WEDnetPA

WEDnetPA was created to make companies across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania more competitive—locally, nationally and internationally—by updating and improving the skills of their employees to meet specific company needs.

Visit WEDnetPA


Get Started Today!

To learn if your company qualifies to participate in the WEDnetPA program, please contact us by phone or email.

Contact Information

Reginald T. Overton