Meet the Faculty: Francis M. Maxin

Francis M. Maxin
Professor of Biology
Year Joined CCAC
Courses Currently Teaching
(When it comes to courses in the biological sciences, I've taught them all over 55 years - everything except Anatomy & Physiology.)
Most Memorable CCAC Experience
I started teaching at CCAC when it first opened in 1966, so I'm a founding father. I have many memories over the decades, including writing my book in the 1970s, but one of my most meaningful experiences was receiving the 2022 NISOD Excellence Award. That made me feel like a superstar or an Olympic champion. After 55 years of teaching here, it was like the whipped cream on the sundae.
Why I Teach What I Teach
I teach microbiology because I think it's fascinating. It just never stops; it's dynamic.
One incredible thing about microbiology is we've produced 22 vaccines in my lifetime. I'm 83, so there were no vaccines for me when I was born. Now, there are at least 20 vaccines that our children get: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, et cetera. When I was young, kids died from these diseases, but kids today are getting through it. Vaccines probably extended our life expectancy by about 20 years.
That's what's so remarkable about microbiology: I'm living during a time when science has made its greatest accomplishments.
Something People Might Not Know About Me
People might not know that I'm the fourth youngest of 12 children, with eight brothers and three sisters. Growing up, by the time I got a pair shoes, eight people had already worn them!
Favorite Quote
"Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life." -Mark Twain
"Teaching is the profession that teaches all other professions." -Unknown
"Life is a mystery, not a problem. We don't need to solve it, but we shall never cease from exploring its endless secrets." -Unknown